There’s a company called Blackwire Labs that just created something cool called Think of it like a super-smart helper for keeping computers safe from bad guys online.
Here’s how it works: combines special computer technology called blockchain (which helps keep information safe and true) with smart ideas from people who know a lot about cybersecurity. It’s like having a wise old owl that knows all about protecting computers!
This helper can talk to different businesses and give advice, just like a friendly guide who knows the way through a tricky maze. It helps people understand how to use AI safely and avoid risks, which is super important since many folks are using AI tools at work.
A lot of companies are having trouble figuring out how to keep everything safe while using these new AI tools. is here to help them learn how to protect their information and work together better as a team.
Blackwire Labs has already started working with places like hospitals, factories, and banks, showing that they’re making a big impact!
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